Drawings and Paintings

Watercolor Painting
I painted this while I was a full-time student and working part time at two jobs. I was feeling rather overwhelmed!
Available on my Etsy ...
Wound Up

Watercolor Painting
My take on the villain from the classic fairytale, Sleeping Beauty. In the story, she is a fairy, a fact that was overlooked in the animated Disney film, although it was ...

Mixed Media Painting: Watercolor and Oil Pastels.
I wanted to evoke the feelings of sadness and isolation that we all can feel from time to time. The woman is alone and outside of the home. ...

Watercolor painting
This watercolor painting was inspired by the Biblical story of Adam and Eve's fall. Even though both were disobedient and both were punished, it seemed that when people ...
Center Stage

Jujutsu Kaisen is one of my favorite anime shows. Maki Zen'in is a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High School of Sorcery. She is extremely skilled at wielding many different cursed weapons. The polearm ...
Maki Zen’in from Jujutsu Kaisen

My son requested a custom Yu-Gi-Oh card based on the Nouvelles archetype. Those cards combine different food dishes with demons from the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. My son wanted a version based on ...
Custom Yu-Gi-Oh Card: Duke Valefrites

Here's a painting of one of my favorite characters from the anime show "My Hero Academia". Tokoyami has the quirk (superpower) of Dark Shadow, an entity that lives in him, which helps him in ...
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow

I love Tom Hiddleston's portrayal of Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His smile is so wonderfully mischievous!
Check out this short TikTok of me drawing ...
Loki’s Smile

My daughter requested a picture of her and our two cats playfully chasing each other. Our fluffy calico, Rey, is on the left. Our orange tabby, Fergus, is in the middle. I drew this on a bristol ...
Fluffy Friends

Colored Pencils with Acrylic Pen Outline
I created this illustration of the Bakugan Haos Nillious for my son. It's his favorite character from the Bakugan world: game play and animated series. I ...
Bakugan Haos Nillious

Acrylic and Alcohol Ink Drawing
This is the final in a 4-part series honoring the Japanese art of kintsugi. The philosophy of it is that once a piece of pottery has been broken and repaired using ...
Perfect in Brokenness

Acrylic and Alcohol Ink Drawing
This is the third in a 4-part series honoring the Japanese art of kintsugi. It is the process of putting a broken piece of pottery back together using gold. The ...
Beautifully Broken

Acrylic and Alcohol Ink Drawing
This is the second in a 4-part series honoring the Japanese art of kintsugi. This is an old tradition of repairing broken pottery with gold. The idea behind it is ...
Broken but Healed

Acrylic and Alcohol Ink Drawing
This is the first in a 4-part series honoring the Japanese art of kintsugi. Kintsugi is the process of repairing broken pottery with gold. The philosophy is that ...
Broken but Stronger

"Foolish Love" pencil drawing
This ink illustration is from a series about the masks people wear. This poor fool has given his heart to someone who isn't as angelic as she seems.
Available on ...
Foolish Love

"Trapped?" pastel drawing in the Mask Series
Her captor looms over her, binding her vision and voice as he has already bound her wrists. But wait, is that the key around her ...

"The Showman" ink drawing in the Mask Series
This ink illustration is from a series about the masks people wear. Some wear them out of fear, some for deception, and some for entertainment. Is ...
The Showman

"Who Me?" ink drawing from the Mask Series
This ink illustration is from a series about the masks people wear. Some wear them out of fear, others, like the subject of this drawing, do it for more ...
Who Me?

"Removing the Mask" watercolor painting in the Mask Series
It can be painful to remove a mask you are used to wearing. It can also be painful to continue to wear ...
Removing the Mask

"Going for Cover" ink painting in the Mask Series
People wear masks for many reasons. Sometimes they do for a sense of protection…but do they really protect ...
Going for Cover

"Within Our Sights" lithograph
Women's roles and how we are perceived have grown so much over the past 100 years. We still have a ways to go for equal treatment, but it is within our ...
Within Our Sights

"Tears of a Clown" pencil drawing
It can be quite a burden to always be the entertainer, the one who makes others
Tears of a Clown

"Prison of My Mind" pencil drawing
Illustration of the pain and loneliness that can be inflicted within one's own
Prison of My Mind

"Empty Beauty" colored pencil drawing in the Mask Series
The elegant beauty as all the trappings of wealth and style, but no ...
Empty Beauty

"Old Mog" mixed media painting
Simple poem by Joan Aiken about a cat: "Old Mog comes in and sits on the newspaper Old fat sociable cat Thinks when we stroke him he's doing us a favor Maybe ...
Old Mog

"Haggard's Cat" watercolor painting
The mysterious and perplexing cat that lived in Haggard's castle in "The Last Unicorn". Along with this quote from the text: "I am what I am. I would tell you ...
Haggard’s Cat

"Cheshire Cat" mixed media painting
My take on the grinning feline from Alice in Wonderland with this quote from the text: "A dog's not mad, you grant that? Well, then you see a dog growls when ...
Cheshire Cat

"The Queen's Croquet Game" ink drawing
In this croquet game, Alice gets an edge over the Queen of Hearts and is about to "send" her hedgehog into the ...
The Queen’s Croquet Game

"Caterpillar's Hookah" ink drawing
Alice and the Mad Hatter borrow the Caterpillar's hookah and he looks none too pleased about ...
Caterpillar’s Hookah

"Mad Tea Party" ink drawing
Join in the strangest tea party with the Mad Hatter, March Hare, and Dormouse in ...
Mad Tea Party

"A Look in the Mirror" pencil drawing
This piece is about looking deeper into yourself. We are much more than what we see in the ...
A Look in the Mirror

Portrait of Elaina in the world of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine
Elaina is a huge fan of The Beatles. When I created her portrait, I used elements from their film, The Yellow Submarine. ...